The evidence of a reuse revolution is here

Our evidence-based research centred on reusable packaging systems, spans multiple regions, from Auckland, Waikato & Tauranga to Nelson/Tasman. It provides tailored insights for local and central government, as well as businesses and community.

We’re currently exploring measurement methods for reusable packaging impact in the grocery sector and investigating agricultural reusable packaging solutions in the Waikato region.

Beyond research, we focus on communicating findings and fostering collaboration through webinars, blogs, and workshops.

About Us

Reuse Aotearoa are an independent social enterprise at the forefront of reusable packaging research and conversations in New Zealand.

Our mission is to scale up reusable packaging systems across Aotearoa, aiming for 30% market share in fast-moving consumer goods and takeaways by 2030.

Through evidence-based research, we’re filling crucial knowledge gaps about reusable packaging opportunities in both B2B and B2C sectors.

Our reports

Return to Reuse: The potential role for Waikato’s TAs & resource recovery sector in supporting reusable packaging reverse logistics

Waikato Regional Council commissioned this report to explore the current and future role of territorial authorities (TAs) and the resource recovery sector in supporting reusable packaging systems through service provision (e.g. collection, returns, sorting, washing and redistribution).

Stocktake of reusable packaging for fast-moving consumer goods in the Waikato region

This report stocktakes existing reusable packaging systems across the Waikato region, focusing on the packaging of groceries and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) across the supply chain. The report was commissioned by Waikato Regional Council as part of a three-part research project into reusable packaging in the Waikato region.

B2B reusable packaging infrastructure and reverse logistics in Auckland

In 2023, Auckland Council commissioned Reuse Aotearoa to investigate business-to-business (B2B) reusable packaging systems in Auckland, with a focus on the existing infrastructural capacity and reverse logistics services supporting these systems, and the critical needs for increasing such activity.

Reusable serviceware/packaging at markets (& events) in
Aotearoa New Zealand

This resource is designed to be a practical and accessible information sheet offering guidance on the key considerations for market operators and/or vendors wanting to set up viable reuse systems at events and markets.