B2B reusable packaging infrastructure and reverse logistics in Auckland
Scope of current activity, and gap analysis
About this report
In 2023, Auckland Council commissioned Reuse Aotearoa to investigate business-to-business (B2B) reusable packaging systems in Auckland, with a focus
on the existing infrastructural capacity and reverse logistics services supporting these systems, and the critical needs for increasing such activity. Analysis also
included the potential role of Auckland’s waste and resource recovery sector in supporting B2B reusable packaging systems. The study forms part of Auckland
Council’s preparations to update its waste management and minimisation plan (WMMP) for the region. The report has six sections:
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Setting the scene
3.0 Infrastructure and reverse logistics
4.0 Analysis of gaps and critical needs to increase reusable packaging in Auckland
5.0 Actions Council can take to support B2B reusable packaging systems
6.0 Potential avenues for further research
Click below to read the full report.
This report is about business-to-business (B2B)
reusable packaging systems in Auckland, with a focus on the infrastructure and reverse logistics that make them work. The research aimed to find out what was happening in the city already in this area, the gaps and critical needs for doing more, and the potential role of the waste and resource recovery sector.
If you have any pātai or wish to kōrero about our work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
- Mount Maunganui
- Pōneke | Wellington
Aotearoa | New Zealand
(027) 669 6955